She makes a wish on every single star she sees, somewhere deep down she still believes.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

24 Things That Guys Secretly Like About A Girl

1. Her smell.

When a guy first notices a girl they like, they look at everything, beginning with the physical characteristics. Her clothes, her hair, the way she walks. However when he is really attracted to a girl, he starts to notice other things like her distinctive smell.

2. She’s not too picky.

Guys don’t want to date a girl who is too high maintenance. They want to be with someone who is relaxed, and is easy to be around. She doesn’t get upset easily over small details or when things don’t go her way.

3. She has a nice smile.

One of the things a guy loves about a girl is her smile. A smile can tell you a lot about someone’s personality. He loves seeing her sweet smile and being able to make her smile too.

4. She is social.
When he sees other people drawn to a girl, he becomes curious and eventually gets attracted as well. Guys see who she really is through her friends. A girl with a lot of friends is outgoing and knows how to have a good time.

5. She is family-oriented.

Look at how this girl interacts with her own family. When a guy sees that she has a good relationship with her family members, he appreciates that because it makes him think that she would make a good mother and life partner in the future.

6. She doesn’t take a long time to get ready.

Guys hate waiting for a girl who seems indecisive or takes too long to get ready. When a girl takes a long time to get ready, he may think that she is insecure with her looks or doesn’t respect his time. If a guy likes you, he already thinks you are beautiful as you are.

7. She’s doesn’t hesitate to get her hands dirty.

Guys like a girl who is determined and gets down to business. She does her own dirty work because she doesn’t think that she is better than any job. She understands the value of hard work very well.

8. She doesn’t complain too much.

There are some people who whine a lot and only see the negative side of things. Instead of trying to think of how they can improve the world, they use their energy to focus on what they can’t change. A girl who doesn’t complain a lot is nice to have around because she knows that complaining doesn’t do anything for anyone.

9. She doesn’t wear too much makeup.

Surprisingly, more and more guys prefer the natural look than to a girl who is fully made up. They would rather see a girl this way because it shows that she has nothing to hide. Remember, make up can only change the way someone looks, not their personality.

10. She is not afraid of discomfort.

She challenges herself because she knows this is the best way to learn and grow. She faces her fears head-on and does not run away from her problems. Guys like this in a girl because men are problem-solvers by nature.

11. She makes you things.

A well-thought out gift is the best kind of surprise, especially one that is made with love. Whether it be cookies, a card or a hand-knit sweater, guys find it really attractive when a girl has made something from scratch. These types of gifts are sentimental and sweet.

12. She reads.

Guys like a girl who reads because they see that she is curious to know about the world around her. A girl who reads a lot understands people and can see life from a wide set of perspectives. She has a creative imagination that allows her to explore and discover new things.

13. She’s not materialistic.

Money can buy you a lot of things, but it cannot buy you happiness. Shopping can make you happy because of the idea of owning new things, but you’ll find that the happiness is only momentary. A girl who doesn’t need a lot of things is a turn on because she has less things weighing her down and symbolically, less baggage to deal with.

14. She is intelligent.

Some girls think that guys prefer naive women because they are easier to approach.On the contrary, intelligence is a highly sought out trait in a partner because it aids in human survival and development. Intelligence comes in many different forms, and is not limited to book or street smarts. It is more about learning to use what you have, such as skills and knowledge, in order to make a better life for yourself.

15. She takes care of you.

Guys are drawn to girls with a maternal instinct because the way a girl can make you feel loved and secure is reminiscent of their own mom. Various studies have shown that we tend to be attracted to partners who possess the same qualities that we see in our parents. A girl who takes good care of you also sends a guy signs that she might be wife and mother material.

16. She cooks.

Historically, women have generally played the role of caretaker while men have been the breadwinner of the family. Men often seek out partners who can cook because this aids in survival and helps reduce the family’s financial burden. Cooking is also a trait associated with femininity so women who cook are seen as more feminine.

17. She takes care of herself.

Even though men consider personality to be more important than looks, physical attractiveness is indeed a key factor in choosing a partner. Men prefer healthy and youthful-looking women because these two traits are associated with fertility and good genes. Women who take care of themselves are seen as potential mates who can produce healthy children.

18. She fights for you.

Generally, men are seen as more aggressive creatures who defend their partners against potential threats while women are seen as more passive. Guys are turned on by girls who are willing to fight for them because this proves her love for him. This is because guys want to be desired and protected too.

19. She’s down to earth.

Nothing is more appealing than someone who’s honest and authentic. A girl who knows what she wants and doesn’t try too hard makes a good match because she has no pretenses. What you see from the get go is what you get. A girl who is down to earth stays away from drama and can help a guy grow to his full potential.

20. She has a dominant side.

She’s a natural leader who knows how to take charge of a situation. Guys find assertive girls attractive because they know what they want and do not let anyone or anything get in their way. Also, a girl with a strong personality might bring him some surprises in the bedroom.

21. She’s loyal.

Loyalty and devotion are definitely must-haves when looking for a suitable long-term partner. Guys want to be with someone who is all in and is committed to the relationship, so they feel like they aren’t wasting their time. A girl who is loyal shows him her sincere feelings of contentment in the relationship. She does not lead him on or make him feel like she will betray him.

22. She’s ambitious.

Ambition is another one of those traits people associate with traditional masculinity, yet men actually like a woman who is a go-getter. He does not feel emasculated by her but rather, he is inspired by what she has done for her career and for herself so far. He knows that a woman who is driven can support herself without him. She is independent and can do things for herself.

23. She understands you on an emotional level.

Men are not necessarily less emotional than women, they are just taught to be this way. Guys are more emotionally closed than women because they fear being judged for feeling strongly and expressing these feelings, especially when they are feelings of sadness. Guys will open up to girls that they feel a strong emotional connection to, and who reciprocate these feelings.

24. She’s not perfect.
Everyone has an image of the perfect person in their heads but often find that this person does not exist in real life. The truth is that, imperfections are attractive because they remind us that the person is real and human. Guys like a girl who is not perfect because he learns how to accept her flaws and shortcomings. It is even more attractive to see a girl who has also embraced own weaknesses.

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