She makes a wish on every single star she sees, somewhere deep down she still believes.

Monday, December 17, 2012

#2 When people do not like you

What to do? First of all, stay calm. Do not overreact about their responses towards you. You might be overreacting when you feel like you want to tell everyone in the world that she or he does not like you. Then, what answers that would you expect from them? Motivation? Self-help? Silence? Come on laa...

After that, you might need to check on yourself. Maybe you own something that they do not have. If there is only one or two persons who do not like you, so you may be greater than those two. But if there are quite a number of persons who do not like you, then there must be something wrong with you. A serious one, maybe.

So far, I could not recall on anyone who (maybe) actively disfavour me. I am not being narcissistic on this. I just do not know. Only Allah knows. Seriously, I hate arguing/bickering/enemy-like person. So, stay calm and do your best to please yourself and people around you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

#1 Waste a life.

Life is not as easy as people are thinking. It takes lots of effort, needs lots of hopes and dreams and uses lots of money, too. But do we want to live our lives just like that? Like river water flowing in its small stream accompanied by the river bank. You gain nothing from the river bank, instead you are hurting and making yourself to exist in the views of others. Only that.

People have their own ways on how they are going to live their lives to the fullest. To create meanings in all their doings. Yet, there are still a number of people who do not know how to spend their entire lives. Thus, they choose to do nothing, absolutely nothing meaningful. I would regard this as wasting your life because each and everyone of us do have dreams when we were children. So, we should keep those dreams and put efforts in order to achieve it. It might be impossible to get it, but without even trying it, you would gain nothing too. So, which one is better?

Allah SWT gives us opportunity to live on His Earth, to become khalifa, to lead ourselves and others. So, why should we waste our lives? Let us make our lives as meaningful as possible.

p/s: mungkin tak dapat full marks untuk question ni sebab tak menjawab soalan. sekian.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Homemade laksam

Alhamdulillah, tengah hari ni dah berjaya masak lagi satu makanan iaitu laksam. Kalau kat Terengganu ni kita panggil laksam, tapi negeri lain pun panggil macam ni jugak ke? Entahlah. 

Since laksam ni adik beradik je dengan si laksa tu, so cara persediaan dia pun hampir-hampir sama jugak. Cuma yang bezanya, laksam ni kena buat sendiri, kukus dan gulung. Kalau laksa, just beli mee laksa yang dah siap atau boleh beli laksa kering in which kita kena celur dulu sekejap sebab nak bagi mee tu lembut. Dari segi kuah pulak, ada dua jenis. Satu kuah masak, satu lagi kuah mentah. Kuah masak, kena masak la. and kuah mentah tak perlu masak. Saya prefer kuah mentah(putih) berbanding kuah masak(merah). Kuah masak lebih sedap kalau makan dengan laksa. Kalau orang Terengganu, diorang akan masak kuah tu, kata mak sebab nak bagi tahan lama, tak cepat basi. Kalau dari segi sayur pulak, macam-macam jenis sayur boleh guna. Pada kebiasaannya, kita guna taugeh, ulam-ulaman seperti pucuk gajus, kangkung, kacang panjang, daun pudina, daun kemangin, bunga kantan, pucuk ulam raja, daun kesum dan macam-macam jenis daun mengikut selera. Certain sayur boleh petik dari belakang rumah je. hehe.. Jimat ongkosnya. huhu

Laksam kita memang ohsem! :D

Clockwise: Pucuk gajus, daun kemangin, kacang panjang, kangkung, ulam raja dan daun kesum.
Source : Uncle Google 

Clockwise : Adunan mee laksam, laksam yang dikukus, laksam yang dah siap kukus, kuah mentah. 

Malangnya, tak sempat nak snap gambar laksam yang dah ready untuk dimakan. Bateri kamera pun dah habis, bateri handphone pun dah takde. Nasib! Pinjam orang punye lah kejap. hehe

Lebih kurang macam ni lah rupanya. Hehe 

Selamat menjamu selera! :D

P/S: Dalam proses sediakan kuah laksa penang dan nasi kerabu. Dua-dua best sangat2 ni! :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

12th 2012

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah that He gives chance to live till this second. Anyway, it is December again. The twelfth month for this two thousand and twelve. Just remember to this one song, performed by Taylor Swift. :)