She makes a wish on every single star she sees, somewhere deep down she still believes.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Think twice.

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Just a short post about what has going on these two days.
I've read one of friends' post on the Facebook. He shared that status (not his, but the other friend) in our Form 5 group and yes, of course all of us were very shocked!
The status is about a K-popper who updated and stated her disagreement of past rally in Kelana Jaya. 
It is going viral on the net and even some of my colleagues shared it on their timelines.

Well, this kind of thing happened when people do not think rationally before posting or acting on any issuess especially when it is about our hot general election topic. 
For sure, people who were reading her status said bad things about her.

May ALLAH bless her keep her on a right track.