She makes a wish on every single star she sees, somewhere deep down she still believes.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

is it Hari Raya Aidilfitri...?

yes!! its going to be hari raya soon...

:::selamat hari raya untuk semua::: 
i cant wait for it
it is time to eat...erk? eat..??
be aware... dont make yourself swollen...

btw, selamat ari raye sume...mau wish dulu sebelom off untuk ari raye nanti..
bukan nak wat kuey raye...haha..just nak tunjuk yang mane satu...huhuhu

~~~sELaMaT HaRi RaYa aiDiLFitRi~~~
~~~mAaf zAHiR dAn BatiN~~~